Friday, November 14, 2008


Today Chaithanya gave seminar on management process.Manasa expained theroy part of Financial Accountings . Govind explained on LAN and WAN definations.
Imp points:
from Chaithanya::
Management means" Getting things done by others"
management process cosists of Mainly Planning,Organizining,Directing,Staffing, Controlling.
1. Planning :" Where we are and were we want to go"
Example:If you want to go to your home from your collge, then you have to go to Bus stop for getting into bus to go to busstand then from bustand you have to take your desired bus to go to your home.So all this process invols some prelimenery steps to go to your home.This process is called PLANNING to go to your home.
2. Organizing: for achieving our goals we Put our plans together
3. Directing:Put in practising
4. Staffing:appointing correct pleople for achieving our goal(HRM department)
5. Controlling: Without planning there is no for cotrolling.In controling we will find defects in our palns and then impliment them with corrective actions or go for new plans.
If provisitions for baddebts given in adjustments then then
1.if new provisition is greater than the old then *1.P&L a/c Cr. *2.Blancesheet::(-)Provisitions for baddebts.
2.If old provistion is greater than then new then*1.P&L a/c Dr..*2.Balancesheet::(-)Provistions for baddebts.

Govinda Rajulu::
LAN::Local Area Network,
WAN::Wide Area Network
***Thanks for reading***